6 Good Prayers for Domestic Violence Victims

Colossians 3:19
Oh Lord, You see my heart and You see my current situation. I did not expect my relationship to be this way, and I pray again for love to enter into the heart of my partner. Lord Your word commands husbands to love their wives and to not be harsh to them! I pray that this scripture convicts my partner right now, I pray that he/she does not resolve his/her issues with violence, but instead with love, Amen.

Psalm 11:5
Prince of Peace, I need more of You right now. I know that You test the righteous, and I stand in my faithfulness to You because You are my God. But I know that Your soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence, I know that it is not okay for me to be abused by my partner. I pray for peace in my relationship, let Your Spirit change the heart and mind of my partner. Allow him/her to see things like You do, Amen.

1 Corinthians 13:4
Precious God, love is patient and love is kind. I know that my relationship is missing love when this should be the foundation. I pray against violence, anger and everything bad that seems to entice my partner. I pray that Your love consumes him/her and my relationship because the abuse I suffer is so overwhelming. Lord I cry out to You knowing that You hear me, and I thank You in advance for the shift in my relationship that You will create, Amen.

James 1:19-20
King of Kings, Your word instructs us on how to behave whilst on earth. I pray that Your word guides my partner so that he/she does not continue to respond with his/her flesh. Lord, we must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger because the anger of man does not produce Your righteousness. Father, I pray that this scripture motivates my partner’s actions so that they can treat me the right way, Amen.

Colossians 3:21
Dear God, I pray that You hear my voice and the cries of my heart right now. Your word says that fathers must not provoke their children, lest they become discouraged. Lord I have been discouraged by the violence and abuse I have suffered at the hands of my parent(s). I pray that You please have Your divine way in the heart of my parent(s) and in my household so that violence is no longer something that I am familiar with, Amen.

Psalm 146:7
God of Righteousness, who executes justice for the oppressed and who gives food to the hungry? It is You Lord, for You see the needs of Your people. Lord I thank You because You set the prisoners free, Lord it is You who sets me free despite my circumstances trying to bind me. I pray against the violence and abuse that I have suffered, I declare that Your love will set me free and will keep me during this painful time. I declare that I will not be oppressed by my partner because You are my God and I am victorious in You, Amen.

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.