7 Bidding Prayers for Children

Psalm 127:3-5
Heavenly Father, I thank You for these children. Your Word declares that children are a heritage from You, the fruit of the womb is a reward. I pray that You protect those children because they are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. We are so blessed to have them! I pray that we teach them to be unashamed children of Christ as they go through life. I pray against the plans of the enemy over their life; this is our prayer, Amen.

Genesis 33:5
Oh Lord, how precious are these children! They are the children that You have graciously given to Your servant and I thank You for that. Lord we do not deserve such a gift, but You saw it necessary that we have these children physically and/or spiritually. So, Lord we pray that they walk in their confidence of You as they grow older. We ask that their hearts are never troubled, instead fill their hearts with joy, Amen.

2 Timothy 3:14-15
Everlasting God, glory to Your awesome Name. I thank You because I walk in the things that I have learned and of which I am convinced, knowing from who I have learned them; and from knowing the sacred scriptures from childhood I have been given wisdom. In the same manner, I pray that these children know the sacred scriptures from childhood so that they too can walk in Your Godly wisdom. Let Your truth be what they hold onto in their daily lives, Amen.

Matthew 21:15-16
Righteous God, thank You for these children! I pray that You continue to move in their hearts so that they can shout ‘Hosanna’ and ‘Hallelujah’ onto You! I pray that we hear their praises for from the lips of children and infants, Lord, You can call forth praise! Let them know what it feels like to truly praise and worship You for being their best friend and awesome Heavenly Father, Amen.

Matthew 18:10
Eternal One, I pray that we do not despise the little ones, instead let us rejoice for they are Yours! I pray that we do not despise them because their angels in heaven always see Your face in heaven! The children are no further from You than we are, so thank You Lord for them. So we declare that they are blessed and highly favored for the rest of their lives in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Deuteronomy 6:7
Holy God,  I pray that the things that You have taught me become impressed on our children. I pray that they do not forget Your precepts, let them talk of them at home, when they walk along the road, when they lie down and when they get up. I pray that their faith is a lifestyle that they incorporate outside the four walls of the church. Let Your light emanate from them and be evident to their peers wherever they go, Amen.

Colossians 3:20
Righteous God, I pray that You keep our children so that they can grow up to be more like You. I pray that they obey their parents in everything, for it pleases You and it is for their own good that they do so. Lord I thank You for their lives and ask that You protect them and guide them through life. This is the prayer of our hearts, Amen.

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.