Growing in our walk with Christ means having an intentional relationship with Him and reaching out to Him in prayer every day. Here are 10 powerful prayers for daily neglects.
Prayers for Daily Neglects
My God, who unceasingly calls us to union with You, I ask You to pardon my daily neglects when I ignored and rejected this call and to make me love You more so that I never miss Your offer to grow in holiness. Let me truly understand that this is the time to watch, and not to sleep; that when I forget about You, it is more likely to be a lack of love than a lack of time. I love You. You gave me everything; let me consecrate every effort of mine on You, so that I may be worthy of Your promises. Amen.
Morning Prayer
Lord Jesus, I give You thanks for blessing me with another day and countless more opportunities to serve You and serve my neighbor in Your name, Oh Lord, give me all the graces necessary for the day, or else this unworthy child of Yours will surely betray You. You have guarded me through the dangers of the night, and brought me to a new morning, a whole little new creation that allows me to show my love towards You. Let me this day swear to love truth, service, humility, and obedience, and hate lies, negligence, and selfishness. Amen.
Midday Prayer
Lord, You brought me to the middle of this day. As Your servant Saint Pope John XXIII taught us, I will now pause and recollect what I have done so far. Have I been faithful to Your commandments? Was I ever embarrassed to be associated with You? How many chances did I miss to be perfect like my heavenly Father is perfect? Give me the strength to right the course of this day and come to its end more pleasant to You than I am now. Amen.
Night Prayer
Lord, before the end of the day, let me quiet down and examine my daily conduct. Can I go to bed with a good conscience? Have I served You faithfully all day? Did I frequently turn my thoughts to You? Did I follow Your apostle Saint Paul’s advice to pray unceasingly, to turn into prayer not only my thoughts and my words but my actions as well? Did I commit things unworthy of a child of Yours? I reject all my sinful words, thoughts, deeds, and omissions I am guilty of, and pray that I respond to Your grace more humbly and obediently tomorrow. Lord, guard us against the dangers of the night, and grant me, my family, my friends, and all the faithful a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen.
Prayer for Faith, Hope, and Love
Lord, Your Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives has given us three virtues to practice: faith, hope, and love. Faith is believing in You and accepting everything You teach us in Your revelation or through Your Church. Hope is the desire for Heaven and placing my trust in You. Love is loving You for Your sake, and loving our brothers and sisters as ourselves for the love of You. You know better than I do the times I have sinned against these virtues, and how many times I could have done better in Your service. I love You and all You teach and do; do not let me abandon You, but strengthen what You have done in us so that at the end of my life, I can say that I believed, hoped, and loved. Amen.
Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Almighty and eternal God, You send us the Holy Spirit so that by His promptings, we may be sanctified. Allow me to gain and practice Your seven gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord for Your greater glory and for the good of me, those around You, and all Your Holy Church. Those led by the Holy Spirit are sons and daughters of God. Strengthen and renew Your gifts given to me at my confirmation. Make me truly wise, to always rejoice in Your consolation, and continuous and thorough in Your service. Amen.
Prayer for the Evangelical Counsels
My Jesus, when You became flesh and dwelt among us, You proposed to us the perfect way of life, not only by Your words but by Your life. Although our calling to them varies with each individual, You nevertheless exalt chastity, poverty, and obedience as the perfection of charity and the way of life. You were never married here on Earth and reminded us that within marriage, loyalty and self-sacrifice is an absolute. You were poor and called us to give to the poor so that our wealth does not become a source of sin. You were obedient to Your Father even to death on a cross. Grant that whatever their precise application may be in my life, I follow the rules of chastity, poverty, and obedience, so that I merit the name given to Your followers, Christians. Amen.
Prayer for the Spiritual Works of Mercy
Lord, You teach us that the most important thing, other than loving You, is loving our neighbor as ourselves. If we are to look after our family, friends, colleagues, and even strangers, we have to keep in mind their spiritual wellbeing, which is even more important than health or financial status. Give me the strength never to neglect forgiveness, the patient bearing of wrongs, and to humbly, prayerfully and gently advise, console, and to comfort. I know how desperately I am in need of help. Never let me forget that by performing the spiritual works of mercy, both my neighbor and I grow in Your love. Amen.
Prayer for the Corporal Works of Mercy
Jesus, You gave us bodies, as well as souls, and You Yourself sanctified Your material creation when You became man and were born of the Virgin. You came to teach us about giving ourselves to others, and I often become forgetful of this. Never let me neglect almsgiving – to feed the hungry, to shelter the homeless, to clothe the naked, to visit the sick and the imprisoned, and to bury the dead. You told us that whatever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters, we do to You. My God, inspire my charity and assist my actions so that I become an instrument of Your peace and joy to all those around me. Amen.
Prayer Against Neglecting Divine Service
Lord, never let me forget that Your call to continuous conversion involved tangible, serious things I can do for You, to keep me in Your grace and to grow in Your sight. After Your example, all believers ought to regularly fast and pray. Fasting, like abstaining from food, entertainment, or other good things, is to teach us not to be too attached to creation, and to always focus on You, the Creator, instead. Prayer lifts our hearts and minds to You, not just to request Your good things for us, but to adore You, to contemplate You, or to simply just stay in Your presence and be with You. Every selfish act, every greedy, jealous or envious deed makes the world and me a little bit less holy, and every time I place Your creation above You, I tear myself away from You. Never let me neglect Your service! Teach me through the school of fasting and prayer to stay close to You always. Amen.
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Our 10 week prayer journal will guide you through your daily prayers and help you plan out your prayer week. It is completely free. You can click here to get it now.Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.