Knowing that you are nearing the end of your life can be frightening, but you can take comfort in knowing that eternal life awaits if you have accepted Jesus into your heart. Here are 11 encouraging prayers for the dying.
A Prayer of Submission to God’s Will
Lord God, I have run the course and am approaching my last hour. I have lived a full and blessed life, and if it is Your will, I shall gladly come home to You this moment. If there should be any moment of suffering on my part, let Your name be glorified in it. Quicken my heart, Lord, that I might receive death not as one with no hope, but as one who clings to eternal life in Your name. God, grant me a peaceful passing. Amen.
Give Me Comfort Prayer
Father in Heaven, I thank You for granting me the gift of faith and allowing me to trust in You for my salvation. By Your blood, You have washed me free of all sin and iniquity. Though I was as black as coal, You have washed me white as snow. Lord, uphold me here in my last hour. Let faith not escape me, but let me die in the confidence of Your perfect work. You live and reign forever. Amen.
Thanksgiving for Redemption Prayer
Lord God, if You kept a record of wrongs, I would not stand a chance in the presence of Your holiness. Yet You do not abandon sinners to destruction. You sent Your only precious son to die and to redeem me. Because of Your gracious love, I can know redemption and eternal life in His name. Lord, continue to redeem the world and win all people. Hear my cry, O Lord of all, and bring my soul unto You. Amen.
A Prayer for Absolution
Father, as I lay here thinking about my imminent death, I am struck with the terror of my many sins and misgivings in life. I have not always loved You with fullness of heart, mind, and soul. I have neglected my neighbor in the things I have done, and the things I have left undone. Lord, forgive me for my sins for the sake of Your Son. Let His precious blood cleanse me of all sin and forgive me for my trespasses. For Lord, You came to save sinners, of which I am chief. Be merciful to me, Lord God. Amen.
A Prayer for Peace
Lord, I am nearing my end. I have dreaded this day for a long time, and now I ask that You shower me, body and soul, with Your peace. Your peace surpasses all understanding. Wash over me and those close to me with Your comforting presence. Still the wailing anxieties of our hearts and give us the comfort and assurance of Your salvation. Take my hand, Lord, and do not let go. You are a God who brings comfort in all things. Amen.
Commit My Body and Soul Prayer
Lord Jesus, I thank You that You are a God of peace and comfort and not a God of wrath and fury. I give thanks for Your gift of salvation in Your Son, Jesus Christ. I wholly believe in His sacrifice for me – His death and resurrection to win for me victory over sin and death. I pray and beg for You to take my soul in peace. Please Lord, into Your hands, I commit myself, body and soul, to Your eternal care where nothing can take me from Your hands. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
A Prayer Against Fear of Death
Lord God, we are weak and frightened creatures. The Devil in his cleverness has used the fear of death to create sin and misery. I, too, am fearful. Not because I do not trust You, but because I am afraid of the unknown. Lord, I know that by Your death You have destroyed the power of death over us. Death has lost its sting and Hades its victory. Therefore, embolden my heart to die a blessed death in the assurance of Your salvation. Help me to love and trust You all the more. Calm my fearful heart and let Your servant depart in peace. Amen.
A Prayer for God’s Companionship
Lord, I am nearing death and about to depart this broken world. Therefore, come and walk beside me, Lord Jesus. You have said, though I walk through the valley of death’s shadow, I shall fear no evil. Like a lamb, lead me out of the dark valley and to Your heavenly pasture. Protect me with Your rod and staff. Shepherd me into the glory of Your kingdom, Lord, for I am Yours. Amen.
A Prayer to Rely on Christ’s Finished Work
Father, You teach us that all of our good works are as filthy rags before You. They bring You nothing but disgust. Father, we know that the only work pleasing to You are the merits of Your beloved, son Jesus. It is his work alone that merits for us eternal life in his name. Lord, remember me in Your kingdom. Look not at my works, but to the work of Your dear Son. Amen.
A Prayer for Those I Leave Behind
Most merciful God, in this life You have given me many gifts. You have given me family, property, food, drink, and health. Your gifts are beyond measure, Lord. But now I am approaching my end. Death looms just over the horizon. Just as You have given me many great gifts, I now return them unto You. Please bless my family as You have blessed me. Provide for them their daily bread. Let my legacy be that of devotion to Your dear son. Amen.
A Prayer for Your Embrace
Lord God, You have been with me my whole life. Though countless times I have proven faithless, You have remained faithful and full of redeeming grace. I am now nearing the finish line. I have run a grueling race and now I seek the crown and the prize. Lord, remember me as I cross into death. Do not blot my name out of Your book of life, but for the sake of Your son, remember me as a faithful servant who longs for his master’s embrace. Amen.
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