11 Transcendent Prayers for the World

Our world can oftentimes seem like it is falling apart, but all we need remember is that the Almighty holds our entire world in the palm of His hand. Here are 11 transcendent prayers for the world.

A Prayer for the Nations
Heavenly Father, You are the Lord and giver of life. In You, all nations are established. From You, all kings and governments derive their authority. Lord, uphold all nations by Your power. Maintain peace and prosperity in all lands. Bring Your Gospel message of salvation to all nations, that all might be brought under Your feet. Grow Your kingdom over the face of the earth and make disciples of all nations. Lord, we pray this in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Transform the World Prayer
Everlasting God, as in the days of old, nations continue to rage and rise against You and Your anointed. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun. Greed, malice, and strife consume entire peoples. Justice falls by the wayside. The rich feast, and the poor starve. O Lord, how much longer shall the world suffer under such conditions? Send Your spirit into the world, for all of creation cries out for Your redemption. Revive the hearts of all countries, that they might return to You and Your word. Lift high the holy cross of Your son, that all might see it and be cleansed of all sin. In Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

A Prayer for World Peace
Abba, Father, from the east to the west, there is only war. Since the days of Cain and Abel, peoples have murdered one another. Evil ideologies have perverted Your word, Lord, for their gain. There is no stability and no peace. Lord, shake up the nations. Strike them down with a rod of iron. Pull down the wicked from their thrones and bring the peace that transcends all understanding upon all the lands of the earth. Lord, in Your mercy, hear my prayer. Amen.

World Health Crisis Prayer
Lord Jesus, arise and defend all peoples. A plague has broken out and is running rampant amongst the earth. Many have fallen ill, and some have died. Nations are gripped with fear as they try desperately to eradicate the sickness. Lord, lay Your healing hand upon the face of the earth. Protect the young and the vulnerable. Provide healthcare for the poor or those in far off lands. Give doctors and healthcare workers strength and protection for their patients. Give researchers and scientists wisdom and funding to develop treatments and cures. For even amid sickness, You are the light of the world. Heal us, Lord. Amen.

World Repentance Prayer
Everlasting God, if only the whole world could taste and see that You are good. The nations have been blinded by idolatry. They seek only after money and power. Their appetite pulls them around like a bull by the nose. They have no temperance or pity for the weak. Lord, turn the hearts of the world away from the false gods. Remove the scales from their eyes, that they might behold Your goodness. Give them a clean heart, and turn them back to You. Amen.

A Prayer for God’s Kingdom to Reign on Earth
Gracious Father, we have no illusions that the Devil rules over this world. And yet, if not for Your gracious work within us, he would seek to rule in the hearts of all men as well. Come, Lord Jesus, establish Your kingdom here in our midst. Rule these lands from horizon to horizon. Cast out the Devil who hides in the wilderness. Banish him from this world, once and for all. For Yours is the glory forever. Amen.

A Prayer to Provide for the World
Precious Holy Spirit, in Your hands You hold the universe, the earth, the land, the weather, and all things. You provide for all living things so that even the sparrow does not go hungry. To the ends of the earth, Father, I pray that You feed every person. Let not anyone in any nation go hungry. Continue to provide favorable weather and bountiful harvests to those who work the land, that they might reap a full harvest and feed their people. Lord, give all today our daily bread. Amen.

Prayer for World Stewardship
O Jehovah, my God, You have given all things to be used in service to You and toward our neighbor. Yet so many in the world abuse Your gifts. They exploit those whom they should help. Lord, You have said that to whom much is given, much is expected. Therefore raise strong and worthy leaders for all nations. Appoint for us people who are wise and prudent, who care for the widow and the orphan. Give us peacemakers as opposed to war-mongers. Above all, help us to glorify You with all that the world yields to us. Hear my prayer, Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for a Fallen World
All-powerful Father, You looked upon Your creation and deemed that it was good. You placed us in the garden, safe from all harm and danger. Yet, we did not heed Your word and fell into sin. Therefore, the very world we inhabit has inherited this curse. The land is difficult to work. Thorns and thistles, it brings forth. All of creation longs to be saved. Lord, restore all things through the blood of Your Son, Jesus. In Him, all things hold together by his mighty power. Increase His presence in my heart, Lord, for He is the only hope for this fallen world. Amen.

A Prayer for World Virtue
Heavenly Father, there is so much temptation for those who lead our nations. Even the Devil attempted to sabotage Your Son by promising Him all the kingdoms of the world if He would but bow down to Him. The adversary knows the weaknesses of men. But having experienced our fallen state firsthand, Your Son knows them better. Therefore, Lord, shield all world leaders from temptation. Give them a willing and righteous spirit, that they might seek out virtue and unity rather than vice and discord. Give them the wisdom to turn unto You when faced with difficulty. You hold all things in Your hand. Amen.

A Prayer in World Turmoil
Lord, many seek an abundance of life, but few will find it. For narrow is the gate that leads to salvation. Yet, some will pillage and destroy to get what they believe will make them happy. They believe that they can achieve peace through the destruction of others. This causes wars among nations and disunity in the world. Lord, as the nations of the world rage, protect Your deposit of faith among us. Shield Your holy bride, the church, amid conflict and war. Turn hearts and minds away from worldly gain, and give them the peace they so desperately seek. Amen.

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.