Here are 17 of the strongest prayers for the church.
You Are the Answer Prayer
Heavenly Father, I pray that You help the Church be in the world without being of the world. Especially as divisions grow in our society, I pray that the Church can be present, inclusive, and open to all and not secluded and closed off. Please give confidence and wisdom to those in charge and encouragement to all to dig into Your word. You, God, are the answer. Let us find our truth in You and share it with those around us. Help us connect with those who are unconnected from You. Amen.
Financial Security Prayer
God of Glory, I pray for the financial security of the churches in my community and around the world. For those that are struggling to stay afloat, I pray for Your miraculous hand to be at work. Encourage the generosity of its members and help these churches keep their doors open. Give guidance to the leaders as to where cuts can be made. Give hope in places where there seems to be none. In Your name, Lord. Amen.
United in You Prayer
Righteous Savior, I pray fervently for the Church. We are allowing ourselves to be divided by disagreements and differences instead of united in You. We are called to make disciples of all men yet instead of focusing on reaching out and loving those around us, we are like the Pharisees and too set on following rules to invite others into salvation. I pray that you heal us and bring us together that we may magnify Your glory. Amen.
Communal Prayer
Jesus, in our culture where the emphasis is put on the individual and my own personal sin, I come to You to ask forgiveness for us, the Church for our communal sins. God, forgive us for letting our pride and need to be right trump our ability to love like You and hinder our call to be Your hands and feet. We ask forgiveness for the ways we fall short and for the ways we justify our own sins. Bring revival to us, Lord, and let Your name be proclaimed. Amen.
Prayer to Become a Sanctuary
Abba, Father, the Church has become a place people are afraid to enter instead of a sanctuary where all feel welcome. How, Lord, do we change this atmosphere? How, Lord, do we truly allow You to be the almighty judge instead of self-judging each other at first glance? Rid us of our self-righteousness, Jesus, and remind us that no one is righteous, only You. Amen.
Radically Redeem Us Prayer
O God Enthroned on High, how is it that churches on Sunday mornings are the most segregated times of the week? Lord, how is it that we only feel comfortable worshipping You if we are worshipping alongside people who look like us and worship identically to us? Jesus, allow us to feel convicted for not representing all tongues, tribes, and nations in our churches and communities. Push us to humble ourselves enough to change, to turn toward You, and radically redeem our churches. For Your glory. Amen.
Great Unifier Prayer
Gracious God, I pray for all churches who are fighting amongst themselves for reasons that do not affect their ability to glorify You—music style, lighting levels, sanctuary furniture choices. Let our focus be on You, God, and let such arguments be left in the past. I pray that we unify around You, the truest of all Truths instead of dividing over petty preferences. You are the great unifier, God. Be present with us in these churches. Amen.
Prayer in Transition
God, I pray for my church community in this time of transition. For many, going to church on Sunday is one thing that is constant. The people, the structure, and the focus on You is one thing that can be relied on. As changes happen these next few weeks, I pray that You alone can be the constant that my church community needs. Bring comfort in the newness and peace in the change. Let us fix our eyes on You in this moment. Amen.
Work for Solutions Prayer
Give me patience, God, to lift up my church to You and work to create solutions for the problems within it instead of giving up. It is so easy to stop going to church when I disagree with the choices and changes being made there, but instead, I bring this community to You in prayer. Help our purpose be truly to glorify You and not to glorify any other person, idea, thing, or belief. Amen.
Proceed in You Prayer
Jesus, I come to You in prayer to ask that You give the Church guidance in how to proceed. We are in a time where the Church is synonymous with a political party, whether accurate or not. I pray that we, as the Church, portray ourselves accurately as extensions of You and Your love, mercy, and grace. Give us guidance and wisdom in how to move forward—when to proclaim boldly, when to apologize humbly, and when to welcome inclusively. Let You, God, be the motivation and purpose. Amen.
Lost Population Prayer
All-powerful Father, I pray for the Church as more and more young people leave their faith. Give pastors, elders, and attendees the discernment, wisdom, and humility to know how they can change and grow to keep these young people actively pursuing You without compromising the biblical foundations and belief of You. I pray that the Church be humbled and able to admit where they have fallen short instead of claiming to be without fault and further discouraging this lost population. Amen.
Growing Church Prayer
Lord Jesus, please help my church keep growing. There are so many lost people in my community, and I ask that You help us reach those who do not have a relationship with You. None of us alone can bring anyone to You. Rather, let us be vessels of Your love and work through us to change our community. We are willing. Amen.
International Church Prayer
O Jehovah, my God, I pray for the international Church and for the missionaries around the world who are bringing Your name to the unreached. Be with them and provide safety, comfort, and health to them all. I pray that You work through them and allow so many people to be saved and forgiven. Your goodness is beyond my understanding, and I pray that more and more people can be exposed to You. Amen.
Hands and Feet Prayer
Lord of the Highest Heavens, help the Church be more like You. Daily, I am confronted by endless poverty, corruption, and pain. I pray that You give the Church the strength, power, and courage to enter into the hardships of all people in our communities and be Your hands and feet. Allow us to truly understand the other and how we can help instead of just throwing money at the problems we see. Lord, I pray that the Church can be more than just money and donations but a people who truly care and make themselves present to those in need. Amen.
Eyes on You Prayer
Jesus, I pray that the Church can separate itself from Left and Right, or Liberal and Conservative, and can fix its eyes on You. God, You are not bound by a political party. I pray that the Church is not either. I pray that you give all people of the Church discernment and wisdom as they vote. May we support policies that bring love, mercy, and grace to all people and focus on glorifying not mere human tradition, but the holy name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for Leaders
God of Blessing, please be with the spiritual leaders of all churches. Bring comfort and rest to the pastors, priests, and elders and let them be renewed with Your spirit. I pray that You give them wisdom and speak through them as they lead their members closer to You. Give them the strength to speak the truth, even when it is hard, and the wisdom to know how it will best be heard. Amen.
Under Attack Prayer
Lord, I feel as though the Church is coming under attack. Our society is throwing insults our way and treating us like the bad guy. I pray that You give the Church wisdom in how to respond. Let us not get defensive or speak out of anger. Rather, Jesus, let us respond as You would. Help us search to understand what pain is causing the insults, and how to respond with care and love. We are not here to represent our own self-interests but to represent and be an image of You. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.