Seeing your non-believer friend go down the wrong path in life can be disheartening, but you can pray to God to save your friend and change their ways. Here are 20 powerful prayers for a lost friend to find God.
Prayer for Friend to Come into God’s Wonderful Light
My God who calls us from darkness into Your wonderful light, I intercede for my friend. He has wandered far from You and is lost in his sins. I pray that he would reach out from the darkness of his soul and find You. May Your Spirit whisper to him and draw him to You. May he be convicted and repent – turning away from his sin and toward You and a life of purity. Amen.
Prayer to Know the Truth of the Gospel
My Lord who is mighty to save, I pray that You will give enlightenment to my friend’s mind and spirit. Help her to understand the truth of the good news of salvation. May she realize that she is sinful and needs a Savior and that You purchased her salvation with Your death. May she comprehend that You have provided the promise of eternal life through Your resurrection. Bring her to the understanding that if she calls on Your name, she will be saved. Amen.
Prayer for Friend to Seek God
Lord of lights, You search every heart and understand the intention of every thought. Your Word promises that if we seek You, You will be found. I pray now for my friend, who is lost without You. May he come to seek after You and come to know You as his Lord and Savior. May he serve You wholeheartedly and with a willing mind. May he come out of the darkness and into the joy and light of Your presence. Amen.
Prayer for Faith to Believe
My God who establishes us, I pray that You establish faith within my friend so she may believe in You. Help her realize that her own human effort will never make her perfect. May I be faithful to share the Gospel with her, for faith comes by hearing. And Lord, make her heart soft to hear, to comprehend, and to receive the Good News. May she believe in her heart, so that she may be made right with You. Amen.
Prayer for Holy Spirit to Indwell
My Lord who purifies, may my friend receive the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit through believing in Your Son, Jesus Christ. As he begins his new life in the Spirit, may he receive the power to conquer sin and live in obedience and love for You. May he follow Your Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of his life. May he nail the passions and desires of his sinful flesh to the cross and walk in step with Your Spirit. Amen.
Prayer to Feel God’s Presence
My Savior in time of trouble, my friend has strayed far away from You. I pray that she will feel Your presence in a very real way as she is going through this trial. May she turn to You as her refuge and stronghold. May she trust in You to deliver her from this trouble that has come against her. As You minister to her, may she turn back to You with all her soul and mind and heart. Amen.
Prayer to Open My Friend’s Ears to Hear
My Lord to whom we must give account, I plead for my friend whose ears have grown dull to Your Spirit. He has allowed the distractions of worldly values and entertainment to drown out Your gentle whisper. Lord, please heal the spiritual deafness of my friend, so he can be tuned in to Your Word and Your leading. May he not quench Your still small voice but be guided by it into freedom and abundant life. Amen.
Prayer for My Friend to Find a Community of Believers
My Lord who watches over our souls, I pray for my dear friend who has rejected You from her life. I pray that where she is living that she will be drawn to a community of believers. She is unlikely to go to church at this point, but may she be intrigued by a group meeting for Bible study. May their faith be lively and loving and be an avenue for drawing her back to You. Amen.
Prayer for Friend to Repent
Lord our Ransom, I grieve for my friend lost in self-indulgence, sexual immorality, and chasing after worldly things. I pray he will turn from this broad road leading to destruction and take the narrow path leading to life. May Your Holy Spirit work in his life, bringing him to the conviction of his sins. May he feel genuine sorrow for his current lifestyle and desire change. May he turn around and choose to walk in Your ways. Amen.
Prayer to Understand Genuine Truth
My God who guards our lives, restore my friend who has exchanged Your truth for our culture’s values and philosophy. Help her to perceive the emptiness and deceitfulness of this worldview. You said if we continue in Your Word, we shall know the truth, and the truth will set us free. I ask that my friend opens Your Word and reads it. May she be enlightened by Your truth and set free from deceptive outlooks. Amen.
Prayer for Friend to Search for God
My Lord who keeps us from stumbling, my friend has fallen away. He gives little thought to You and Your teachings. I pray that something will happen in his life to cause him to search for You. May he seek You with all his heart and be found by You. I pray that he will begin to read Your Word and pray to You and that You will listen and restore him. Amen.
Prayer for Friend to Believe
Dear Shepherd of lost sheep, I pray for my friend who is lost without You. May she have faith to believe in the Light and become a child of the Light. May I effectively shine Your light through my words and actions, so she is attracted to the truth. May anything that is hindering her faith be dissolved. I pray she will put her faith in You as her Good Shepherd and loving Savior. Amen.
Prayer to Receive Holy Spirit
God of Hope, I pray that Your gospel of salvation would come to my friend in word, in power, in the Holy Spirit, and in great conviction. I pray that he will follow me in welcoming the message of eternal life through faith in Jesus. May he believe in Your name and receive the Holy Spirit with joy. May he live the rest of his days in the purifying, miracle-working empowerment of the Spirit. Amen.
Prayer for Eyes of Heart to Be Enlightened
Gracious God, I intercede for my friend who does not know You. May the eyes of her heart be enlightened, so she may know the hope of Your calling. May she comprehend that, through faith, the riches of Your glorious inheritance in the saints can be hers. May she realize the surpassing greatness of Your power to us who believe. May she receive redemption through Your blood and the forgiveness of her sins. Amen.
Prayer to Become Aware of the Reality of God
My God who delivers, I intercede for my friend who scoffs at the notion that You are real. He only believes in what he can see, hear, touch, or feel. Lord, please deliver him from this deceptive way of thinking. Let him encounter You in a tangible way. Somehow, through a vision or a sense that You are right there with him, let him realize You are very real, and he can know You intimately. Amen.
Prayer for a Believer to Come into Friend’s Life
My God who is for us, I pray You would place a vibrant, Spirit-filled Christian in my friend’s inner circle. She has been straying from You and does not have anyone around her to encourage her in the faith. I wish I lived closer to her to have more of an influence. I pray that she will become friends with a Christian colleague or neighbor or someone near her. May her faith be renewed through this relationship. Amen.
Prayer to Open Eyes to See
My Lord who watches over us, I plead for my friend who is blind to the things of God. Open her eyes so she can see the wonderful truths of Your Word. Our of her deep spiritual darkness, enlighten her to see true reality. Be good to her so she may live and obey Your Word. May she come to desire You more and more, as she perceives more of who You are. Amen.
Prayer for Friend to Turn Around
My God who weighs the heart, You know the downward path my friend has been taking. He has left the faith of his childhood to pursue a mixture of belief systems that run contrary to Biblical truths. I pray he will realize the destructive nature of these false teachings and repent of his sins. May he abandon this wrong path, and turn around to follow You, so he may receive times of refreshment from Your presence. Amen.
Prayer for Friend to Believe
Lord who searches hearts and minds, I pray that faith would rise up in the heart of my friend. I know it is impossible to please You without faith. I pray that she would desire to come to You. I pray that she will come to the point that she believes You exist, and You reward those who sincerely seek You. Through believing in Your name, may she enter a new life of joy and peace. Amen.
Prayer for Joy in God’s Presence
Merciful Lord, I pray for my friend who feels You are far away and disinterested in his life. May he encounter You in a new and wonderful way. May he come to know that You are always right beside him, always loving, always ready to enter into a relationship with him. Show him the path of life and fill him with joy in Your presence. May he know the pleasures of living with You forever. Amen.
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