20 Strong Prayers for Baby Boys

All babies are blessings, and without a doubt, raising baby boys is such a fun adventure. Here are 20 of the strongest prayers for baby boys.

Prayer for His Desires
Lord, I enter Your presence to express the gratitude I feel in my heart for this baby boy You entrusted into my care. As he grows up, there will be many things competing for his heart, Lord, and many of them will cause harm. I am asking You, Lord, that even now while he is young that You would develop in him a strong desire and heart to follow You. Amen.

Prayer for His Spirit
Precious Lord, I come before You with a request for my precious baby boy. I would like to ask You, Lord, to please develop in him a strong and courageous spirit that follows hard after You. Please also help me to be a good example of these traits because I know he will be watching me. Help me, Lord, to prepare him to be the godly man that You have created him to be. Amen.

Prayer for His Health
Great Physician and Savior, thank You, Lord, for all the blessings You have given me. Today I would like to request another blessing from You, this time for my baby boy. I am asking for Your protection and Your loving touch to be upon him always, especially in the area of his health. I am asking that You grant my child good health so that he can serve You and enjoy a long life. Amen.

Prayer for His Future Role as a Husband
Gracious Lord, the day will come when my precious baby boy will be ready for marriage. I pray, Lord, that You would give me the wisdom to teach and train him to be a godly husband. I also ask that You lead him to the godly woman You have chosen for him. Lastly, I ask that You would help him make the correct choice in a wife. Amen.

Prayer for His Future Wife
Precious Lord, eventually my baby boy will be ready for marriage and will be seeking his wife. Lord, he will need Your help. I pray that You will help the parents of his future wife prepared her to be a godly and loving wife. Please give her parents wisdom to train her in Your ways and please lead her to my son. Amen.

Prayer for His Wisdom
Lord God, thank You for entrusting my son into my care. Proverbs has provided much instruction for young men to follow in seeking wisdom. I am asking You, Lord, to please bless my baby with an extra measure of wisdom. My heart’s desire is that he will be a productive and useful instrument in Your hands. Please open his mind to be wise in all areas that will be needed to fulfill Your purpose for his life. Amen.

Prayer for His Future
Father God, I do not know what the future holds for my baby boy, but I know who holds his future. It is You, Lord, who loaned him to me, and it is You who has the plan for his life. Thank You, Lord, for the love and care that I know You will show my child. I am grateful for the promise that Your plans for my child are to show him prosperity. Please help me prepare him and lead him in the direction You have chosen for him. Amen.

Prayer for a Peaceful Spirit
Peaceful and Loving God, I know in this world my son will encounter many trials and temptations. I come before You, asking that You bless my baby boy with a peaceful spirit so that he will be a mighty instrument in Your hands. I pray that You give him peace that transcends all understanding. Amen.

Prayer for His Leadership Role
Faithful Father, the world today is in great need for godly men to take on the role of leadership within their families, our communities, our churches, and in our capitals. I believe that the need for godly leadership will be even greater as my baby grows. I pray that You will gift him with strong godly leadership qualities so that he can be a blessing to the people around him. Amen.

Prayer for His Love for the Word
Gracious Lord, Your Word has been a constant source of comfort and guidance for me. I am asking for You to instill within my baby boy a love for Your Holy Word. I pray that he will have an insatiable appetite for Your Word and the ability to proclaim it graciously. Lead him, Lord, to seek all the answers he will ever need from You and Your Word. Grant me the help I need to teach him in Your ways. Amen.

Prayer for His Mind
All-Powerful Father, I pray that You would protect my baby boy’s mind from the lies and the deception of the enemy and the empty philosophies of this world. I ask for the mind of Christ to be given to him. Lord, please help him to keep his mind fixed on You and Your will for his life. Amen.

Prayer for His Identity
Precious Lord, I’m so grateful for my baby boy. I bring him before You today, asking that You would help him to always find his identity in You and not in those around him. Please help him to not be swayed by the opinions of others but to remain steadfast and loyal to You as he learns to see his worth as Your child. Amen.

Prayer for His Salvation
Precious Savior, my road to salvation was tumultuous because of my rebellious spirit. I pray that You would prepare my baby boy’s heart so that his road to salvation can be easier. I ask You to please set him apart now for Your glory and purpose. I pray that You clear the obstacles in his path so that he may easily come to You and trust in You. This is my desire Lord, and I surrender Him into Your hands. Amen.

Prayer for a Teachable Heart
Precious Lord, due to our propensity for pride, it is easy to walk through life with a hard heart that is not open to instruction. I believe when people open their hearts to Your instruction, they can grow in grace and be better suited for Your purposes. For this reason, I humbly request that You please give my baby boy a teachable heart. Please give him a heart that is pliable and yields easily to Your instruction.  Amen.

Prayer for Humility
Father God, the world often sees pride as an admirable trait. I know that pride is deplorable to You. I ask, Lord, that You bless my baby boy with natural humility so he will not live a life outside of Your will for him. I pray that he would not be easily overrun by others. Please fill him with humbleness that draws people to You through him. Amen.

Prayer for His Witness
Lord and Savior, I am so grateful for the sacrifice of Christ which provided the way for my salvation. Because I know there are many living apart from You, Lord, I pray that You would prepare my baby boy to be a beacon that points the lost and hurting of this world to You. I ask that You use him to lead others to You for their salvation. Prepare his heart and mind with all he needs now so that as he grows, he will be drawn to You. Let him be a shining light of the love of Christ. Amen.

Prayer for a Love of the Truth
Lord God of all truth, in our world today, truth is so ambiguous. Your Word tells me that the day will come when many will turn away from the truth. I pray that You would keep my baby boy near to You during his life.  Protect him so that he holds Your Word close to him and follows Your teachings. May he be a warrior for Your truth in love. Amen.

Prayer for Freedom from Love of Money
Most precious Lord, in our world today there is so much emphasis placed on wealth and possessions. As my baby boy grows up in the midst of this world’s insatiable appetite for money and things, I pray that you would keep him free from the love of money. Money is not evil, but the love of it is a sin. I pray that Your love will guide him away from materialism so that he will understand what is truly important in life. Amen.

Prayer for Freedom from Lust
Loving Father, men in this world today are continually bombarded with the temptation of lust. I fear this will only get worse as my baby boy gets older. I know that lust in all forms has torn families apart. I am asking, Lord, that You keep my son free of lust. Please keep him away from temptation, with his eyes firmly planted on You for the strength to act as a good Christian man should. Amen.

Prayer for Spiritual Eyes
Gracious God, as I pray over my baby boy, I am reminded that we are living in a spiritual world as well as a physical one. You gave spiritual eyes to Elisha’s servant so he could see the vast spiritual army which You provided to protect Your children. There are times when we need to walk by faith, and times when we need a little insight into the spiritual arena. For this reason, I pray that You would give my baby boy the spiritual eyes he will need to navigate the seen and unseen in this world. Amen.

Prayer for His Faithfulness
Faithful Father, we are easily distracted and led astray by temptations that end up separating us from You. I ask, Lord, that You would not let my baby boy get distracted and become distanced from You. Please keep him safe. Help him remember and follow my teachings, and Your teachings. Chase after him when he strays, so that he will never be unfaithful to You. Amen.

Prayer for His Holiness
Blessed Lord, I know that You detest wickedness. I am asking You, Lord, to keep my baby boy from entering onto the path of wickedness. Though he is small now, Lord, one day he will grow up and have to walk on his own in this world. I entrust him to You and ask that You lead him away from sin and immorality. Please place a hunger within him to be pleasing in Your sight. Amen.

Prayer for His Reverence
Gracious Savior, Your Word tells me that the fear of the Lord is the necessary foundation for obtaining knowledge. I pray, Lord, that You please help my baby boy have a healthy reverence for You, not just to obtain knowledge but to be pleasing in Your sight. I ask that You lead him to have a reverence that results in him experiencing the amazing depths of knowledge and deep understanding of who You are. Amen.

Prayer for a Thankful Attitude
Precious giving Lord, it is very easy for us to go through our lives and forget to thank You for all that You have done for us. I pray that my baby boy will grow up and always honor You with his possessions, thoughts and actions. I pray he will have a faithful heart to tithe to You and support Your amazing work in this world. Help him realize that all he has and all he is comes from You. Amen.

Prayer for Strength
Powerful Lord, Your Word tells me as the day of Your return draws closer that this world will be filled with even more evil. I know not what lies ahead for my baby boy, but You do. I pray, Lord, that You would grant him the strength to run the race to the very end. I pray that he finishes well no matter what the world throws at him. I also request that You always provide the strength he needs to face his trials. Bless my baby boy, Lord, and let him feel Your presence. Amen.

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.