Waiting for a husband can be difficult and it may seem like you will never find the one, but you can find peace in the waiting. Here are 23 powerful prayers for a future husband.
Present My Request Prayer
Dear Lord, I come to You in my longing and present my requests to You in faithfulness. I desire to be married and ask that You bring a faithful Christian man into my life. Help me not desire a partner more than I desire You, but rather continue preparing me to enter into a Godly relationship in Your timing and give me patience as I wait. Amen.
For My Future Husband Prayer
God, I pray for my future husband. Whoever he is, wherever he is, and however long I am waiting before I meet him, I pray that You be with him. I hope that he is earnestly longing for You and praying for me as I pray for him. Protect him from harm’s way and prepare him to be a loving and Godly partner in life. In the same way, help me grow closer to You as I prepare to someday become a wife. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Wait in Your Goodness Prayer
Heavenly Father, I struggle with loneliness. I am surrounded by friends who are in loving and committed relationships, and I can’t help but wish that I were in one too. I long for that type of intimacy and friendship, and it is painful at times to be single. Give me the strength to trust in You and Your timing and as and when it is Your will, please place someone in my life for that purpose. I know that You are good. May I patiently wait in Your goodness. Amen.
Peace in Singleness Prayer
Father, we live in a world where romance is seemingly ever-present. Every time I turn on the TV, go shopping or scroll through my phone, I am reminded of my own singleness and desire for a romantic relationship. God, I am struggling to be content in my singleness. Help remind me that You are all I need. I want to get married and I pray that if it is Your will, someday I will. But until that day comes, I pray for Your comfort and peace in my singleness and strength to continue to pursue You as I wait. Amen.
Proactive Search Prayer
God, give me the confidence to romantically pursue a partner and the discernment to know who is truly in love with You. As I long for marriage, I want to be proactive in my search for a husband, but I am scared to put myself out there and worried about the growing divorce rates. Be my guide, Jesus, and help me know when I have found someone who is good for me. Help me trust in You and Your faithfulness. Amen.
Healthy Desires Prayer
Dear Jesus, I am distracted by my desire for a husband, and I am sorry that those wants are getting in the way of my relationship with You. Please forgive me. Help me have healthy desires and to pursue You first always. I pray that in Your timing, You will place someone in my path, but help me be content in You as I wait for that time. You, Jesus, are all I need. Amen.
Ask in Prayer
God, You tell me that if I have faith, whatever I ask in prayer, I will receive. I have been longing for a husband, but I have not yet asked You directly to bless me with that desire. So, Lord, I come to You now in prayer. I want to get married and I want to experience the blessings of the relationships between husband and wife. If this aligns with Your plan for my life, I ask that You place someone in my life that I can marry and spend my life growing closer to You with. Amen.
Your Timing Prayer
Jesus, as I think about You—Your timing and perfect will—I pray that You help me be confident and secure in Your timing. I give to You my desire and longings for a husband. I wish to be married and to experience the goodness that comes out of Your design for marriage, but I know that the timing of my relationship is fully in Your hands. Be my comfort as I lift these longings to You and continue to trust in Your timing—not waver in my impatience. Amen.
Prayer for Discernment
Give me discernment, God, as I think about whom I will marry. There is a man who loves me and loves You, but I am fearful of any big commitments. How do I know if he is truly right for me for marriage? Jesus, I know that You know all. Please guide me in wisdom as I think about these things. What if there is someone else better for me out there? What if he is going to hurt me? What if I will never be ready? Lord, settle these doubts in my mind and give me clarity. Amen.
Prayer for Contentment
Father, I am afraid that I will never get married. I want to. I have longed for a husband for my whole life, but as time goes on, I worry that it is not in Your plans for my life. Jesus, this is hard to think about and almost unimaginable for how I have pictured my future. But please help me be content with whatever it is You have planned for me. Whether marriage or singleness, Lord, give me the strength and bravery to truly allow that to be in Your hands. Give me peace in Your decisions. Amen.
Prayer for a Model of Marriage
God, give me a model and example of a Godly and faithful marriage. As I think more and more about what being married would like in my life, I ask for a healthy guide of what that looks like in reality. Jesus, I would love to have a mentor in my life that I can create a relationship with now so that when I am blessed with a husband, I have someone seasoned and knowledgeable to help me be the best wife I can be and to be in the healthiest marriage I can. Amen.
In Your Timing Prayer
Father, I feel a lot of pressure to be married and to be married soon. I want a husband, but I want that desire to be healthy and in Your timing. Help me have the wisdom and self-control to not rush into a relationship due to the pressures of the people around me. I want marriage to be an educated decision that is made between my future boyfriend, me, and You. Help block out the voices telling me that I need to hurry and the expectations in my own mind saying the same thing. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
Healthy Understanding Prayer
God, everyone around me talks about how amazing marriage is. I do want a husband, God, very much. But I am worried that the influence of people around me is pushing me to idolize marriage. I want to be married, but sometimes I wonder if I even truly know what that means or if I simply think that is what I am supposed to do, what will make my life better, or what will fix my loneliness. Jesus, help me have a healthy understanding of marriage and to not worship the version of it in my head. Amen.
Prepare Me Prayer
Father, I often pray and ask you to help me find a husband. As that prayer has yet to be answered, I wonder if it is because I am not yet prepared to enter into marriage. Lord, I ask that You help me prepare for when that time comes. Teach me how I can best work on myself and the ways I need to grow in You. Assist me in preparing my finances for when I am supporting more than myself. Help me not be stagnant in my longing but actively working toward preparation for what I want. Amen.
Comfort in Circumstances Prayer
Heavenly Father, I come to You again asking to be blessed with a husband. I long to be known and loved in a way that only comes from a Godly marriage. However, even more so, Jesus, I ask for the peace I need to be content in my singleness for as short or as long as it lasts. I give to You my loneliness, insecurities, jealousy, and doubts. There is nothing wrong with being single, and I ask that You allow me to truly feel and know that there is nothing wrong with me if I am single. Amen.
Praying for Him Prayer
God, I pray for my future husband and that whoever he is, he is making wise choices for himself and his future. I pray that until we meet you keep him safe and healthy and help him have the wisdom to work on himself—emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Jesus, I also pray that I meet him at a time that is good for us both. May we both be mature and independent enough that we can enter into a healthy relationship. God, though I don’t know who my future husband will be, I trust that he’s in Your hands. Amen.
Bold Faith Prayer
Heavenly Father, I come to You with bold faith. While I know that ultimately Your will is what is best, I come in prayer to ask that I may get married in the next two years. If that is not what You wish for me, I will understand, but I want to boldly ask for what I want because I know full well that in You, it could be possible. In Jesus’s name, I pray, amen.
Know Your Will Prayer
Great God, how do I know Your will? How do I learn to listen? I come with a humble heart to ask about my future. Is it Your will for me to marry? You say it’s not good for man to be alone, but does that mean I am called to a lifelong marriage or to be one with my church community? Lord, as I dream of marriage and actively look for someone to one day be my husband, be clear with me what Your will is so that I do not act outside of it. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for My Community
Lord, please be with my community. As I continue to long and desire for a husband, give the people closest to me and my mentors guidance and wisdom in how to best support me. Not even I know what it is I most need to hear, but You do, Lord. Give my community the strength and confidence to hold me accountable to Your will and all You are calling me to. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
You Are Love Prayer
My God, You are love. You created man and woman, marriage, and love. As I wait and search for love, let my understanding and view of what love is be found in You. The world is full of songs, movies, books, and people who have endless variations of what I should look for in men and romance, but Jesus, let Your variation alone be the one I cling to and search for. Let me grow so close to Your love that any other version falls short. I love You, God. Help me love You more. Amen.
Be Present Prayer
God, I look forward to the day when I am married. I dream of my wedding, my husband, and my first home. I cannot help but be excited for all that my future holds. In this excitement though, God, help me continue to be present and appreciate all that is in front of me now. Only You know when marriage will be a part of the plan for my life. Help my focus stay on You and on today. Amen.
For Good Reasons Prayer
Jesus, it is almost impossible to go a day in this culture without thinking about sex. While I know that You created sex for the context of marriage, give me the strength and patience to not rush into marriage for the purpose of sex. Let marriage come for me in Your timing and help me be okay with that timing, whatever it may be. Amen.
Be My Strength Prayer
God, two is better than one. I want to find someone, to love someone, to be better in this way. Jesus, push me to be proactive in my search. Be my confidence to approach men and be the one to initiate. But, God, in the same way, be my strength as I hold steadfast to my values, Biblical values, and all that You call me to in this life. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.